Thursday, 27 March 2014

Poem of the week - Hello Sarah

The momentous revelations last week about the origins of the big bang and the existence of gravity waves really fired me up; it’s such an exciting time we’re living in scientifically.  And so I found myself one night unable to sleep, turning it all over in my head, and suddenly I felt inspired at to get out of bed and write this poem, which oddly enough isn’t just about inflation, the big bang and gravity waves, but is also about the creation of my wife, Sarah… whom in case you haven’t guessed, I quite like.

An eye blinks a universe into existence,
The thud of passion sending waves of fear and possibility through the void –
White on black,
Red on white,
Fireworks ripping into the fabric of space-time.

And there,
Right there in the moment of inflation
When time begins to click its idea into substance,
Right there in the centre of a fireball,
In the melding of atoms,
Right there
In the red hot blistering crucible of creation,
There’s a spark,
A fuse that ignites a star,
A star that will one day explode in a blaze of light,
A stardust sparkle of galaxies that holds the essence of you.

Who would have thought that gravity waves could be so creative?
Right there
You stand,
Your eyes shining, so human and frail,
Eyes twinkling with the dust of stars,
Your smile a greeting from the beginning of time,
A smile 13.8 billion years old –
Hello Sarah.

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